May 11, 2024

Beyond the Quiz: Why IT Training Needs More Than Just Facts

I have been told by a friend that the company where she works, despite having certified teachers and educators at their disposal, assigns corporate training and onboarding to their favorite employees or to those with zero aptitude for teaching. From what she tells me, this has led to endless information dumping sessions disguised as training and employees ill-prepared for real-life situations and decision-making in their daily work.

As I haven't yet selected a replacement for my Google IT Fundamentals Certificate Program, my current experience with the Google Certificate has been mixed. Some lessons are well-presented and user-friendly, while others are information dumps followed by quizzes that leave the user dazed, confused, and lost.

Experiences like this have led me to YouTube, where I discovered NGT Academy. For instance, in videos like the one above, the instructor does an excellent job of explaining the material and the reasoning behind it. He also anticipates common questions and addresses them quickly.  Finally, he provides a recap of what was covered in the lesson. This is great structure, presentation, and review.  As someone currently enrolled in the Google IT Fundamentals Certificate program, I'll warn you not to expect that quality of instruction there.  

I guess it's true that you really do get what you pay for.  I paid for the Walmart of IT Certificates while expecting a Bloomingdales experience.  Lesson learned.

May 7, 2024

My IT Journey: Coursera vs Bootcamp - Finding the Right Path

Hey everyone, welcome back to my IT career transition journey! As you know, I'm a big fan of Nicole Enesse's YouTube channel – her insights into the tech world are fantastic. Recently, she discussed Cybersecurity and creating your own curriculum on Coursera. I totally get where she's coming from – Coursera offers a ton of flexibility and affordability. Taking your time and spreading the learning over a few years through Coursera is definitely way cheaper than a $10,000+ Bootcamp.

However, while Nicole's approach is awesome for many, it's not a one-size-fits-all situation. My personal goal is to switch careers into IT within a year. That means I need a focused program that can train and certify me in a shorter timeframe.

Here's the kicker: I coach in the mornings and have a full-time job with a wacky schedule that doesn't exactly scream "flexibility." So, a traditional live Bootcamp just wouldn't work for me. The ideal program would:
  • Get me certified within a few months.
  • Allow me to learn at my own pace.
The Google IT Fundamentals Certificate almost seemed perfect – it's inexpensive and self-paced. But, as someone currently enrolled, I can tell you it's a mixed bag. Some lessons are fantastic, but others feel thrown together, leading to sudden quizzes that leave you scrambling.

Yes, certifications are important, but so is understanding the concepts! I want "mission-ready" skills, not the constant need to search for explanations elsewhere to fill the gaps in the Google Certificate.

Don't worry though, I'm feeling optimistic! I'm close to picking the perfect Bootcamp that checks all my boxes. Stay tuned – I'll be back soon to share which program I landed on and my experience diving headfirst into the world of IT!

April 23, 2024

From Zero to IT Hero: My Journey to a Tech Career Transformation!

Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog!

In the past, this space focused on marketing and career changes. While the career change focus remains, there's an exciting update: IT is now part of the adventure!

This blog took a bit of a break, but a new project requiring a blog reignited the flames. So, here we are again!

"A plant either grows or it dies." - Unknown

Transformation Through Lifelong Learning

I'm a big believer in personal growth and embracing change. As you'll hear more about in a few months, I'm taking a bold leap and transitioning into the world of information technology. It's a complete career shift, and I'm excited to share this journey with you – from training and certifications to landing a successful IT role.

New Year, New IT Skills

This year, I made a resolution to reskill myself to future-proof my career. The IT field seemed like the perfect answer for job satisfaction, advancement opportunities, and financial security in the age of AI.

Finding the Right Path

Since January, I've been researching IT training programs and bootcamps. Going back to college with a full-time job and a mountain of debt wasn't ideal. ‍

Luckily, Google offered affordable IT certificates that I could complete at my own pace. I started with IT Fundamentals and then explored Cybersecurity. Like many beginners, I realized IT Fundamentals was the smartest first step. Cybersecurity training could come later.

The Google IT Fundamentals Challenge

I dove into the Google IT Fundamentals certificate, breezing through the well-structured first section. But then came the Networking section. The quality dipped, and the instruction became frustrating. The tests following these sections? Let's just say YouTube is filled with people sharing the struggle. 

I quickly grasped the importance of having a mentor, instructor, or even IT peers for guidance. The limitations of self-paced learning with poor instruction became clear.

The Plot Thickens: Bootcamp Bound?

The search for a better option is on! I'm currently exploring a promising bootcamp, and I'll definitely keep you posted on that front.

Join My IT Transformation!

Thanks for sticking around! I hope my journey, with its inevitable headaches and victories, inspires you on your own career transition journey – From Novice to IT Pro!